Lebanon is a small country located in Western Asia official known as Lebanese republic. Its capital city is Beirut. The country is bordered by Syria to the north and east, Israel to the south and Mediterranean Sea to the west. Its surface area is 10,452 sq. km with a coastline of 225 km on the Mediterranean Sea that hosts the five famous cities of Beirut, Byblos, Sidon, Tripoli and Tyre. The country is divided into four distinct physiographic regions: the coastal plain, the Lebanon mountain range, the Beqaa valley and the Anti-Lebanon Mountains.
Lebanon first appeared in recorded history around 3000 BC, with the settlement of the area by the Canaanites. They established great maritime, trade and religious-city states in several coastal cities like Byblos, Tyre, Sidon and Beirut. The Greeks referred to these Semitic people as “Phoenicians,” after the Greek word for the expensive purple-dyed textiles that the Phoenicians exported.
Lebanon has an estimated 6.8 million (as of June 2020). Ethnically, the Lebanese compose a mixture Phoenician, Greek and Arab with ethnic minorities including Armenian and Kurdish population. Arabic is the official language, English and French are also spoken and a small portion of population are Armenian or Kurdish-speaking. Lebanon is a religiously diverse country in the Middle East. There are about 61 percent Muslim (30.6% Sunni, 30.5% Shi’a), about 33 percent Christians from different branches, about 5 percent Druze and a small number of Jews, Baha’is, Buddhist and Hindus.
Best Time to Visit
As an Arab country with Mediterranean climate, spring and autumn seasons are the best time to visit the country, where you can do activities such as trekking and hiking. Summer temperature can be hot and high as 32°C during the day, here you can relax along the beach or enjoy water activities.
Dress Code
Dress code in Lebanon is more relax than other Arab countries but all travelers should still dress modestly when visiting religious sites, it is recommended to cover your legs and shoulders. When visiting Lebanon on colder months, prepare to bring warm clothing and rain gears such as raincoats and umbrella.
Health & Safety
Lebanon is a developed country with relatively good health facilities. Similar when travel to other foreign countries, hepatitis A and B vaccines are recommended; also make sure tetanus-diphtheria and measles vaccinations are up-to-date. A typhoid vaccine is also recommended for travel to Lebanon.
The official Lebanese currency is the Lebanese pound or Lira (LL). Notes are available in denominations of: LL 1,000; LL 5,000; LL 10,000; LL 20,000; LL 50,000; and LL 100,000. There are also LL250 and LL500 coins. U.S. dollars are used widely throughout the country. Restaurants, hotels, and stores often quote their prices in U.S. dollars, and many establishments will convert and provide U.S. dollar prices for you upon request.
Tipping isn’t really mandatory. In hotels and restaurants, tip is expected between 5 to 10 percent of the bill.
Photography is only limited to tourist sites in Lebanon. Taking photographs in military sites may result in your arrest.
Internet Access
Wi-Fi access is available in most hotels, restaurants or at airport in Lebanon. There is also available internet in some cafeterias around the city.
Alcoholic beverages are widely available in Christian dominated cities in Lebanon. Drinks are mostly served in social setting such as dinner parties, night clubs and restaurants. Some of the known Lebanese drinks are Arak, a traditionally produced anise-flavored drink, the locally brewed beer, Almaza beers, red and white wines. Muslim-based areas like Tripoli and Bekaa, do not generally sell alcoholic drinks.
Lebanese Cuisine
One should not miss some Lebanese cuisine when visiting the country. It ranges from full mezze meal that consist of hummus, olives, aubergine, labneh cheese and tabbouleh salad. Meat and fishes like meat and grilled skewers, and Lebanese pizza (Manakish). For some sweet treats you may try baklavas, sweet pistachio treats and Kanafeh.
The climate in Lebanon is Mediterranean with mild to cool, rainy winters, hot and dry summer. Fall is transitional season with gradual lowering of temperature and little rain; winter is a rainy season and there can be occasional snow; spring occurs when the winter rains cause the vegetation revive and summer can be very hot most likely at coastal area.
Electric current is 110/220 volts, 50 cycles. A two-pin plug, with round pins is commonly used (Type C, similar to many European countries), but other types of plugs are also in use so it is best to check before you go.
Lebanon has a full calendar of official holidays. Most of the banks, schools and government offices are closed, it is still possible to find shops and restaurants open for business. Holidays with Fixed Dates:
  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Christmas (Armenian-Orthodox) – January 6
  • St. Maroun’s Day – February 9
  • Commemoration of the assassination of PM Rafic Hariri - February 14
  • Labor Day – May 1
  • Martyrs’ Day – May 6
  • Annunciation Day / Resistance & Liberation Day – May 25
  • Lady Mary Assumption– August 15
  • Independence Day – November 22
  • Christmas – December 25
Religious Holidays with Moveable Dates:
  • Catholic Good Friday
  • Orthodox Good Friday
  • Catholic Easter
  • Orthodox Easter
  • Ras As-Sana - Hegire (Muslim New Year)
  • Eid Al-Fitr (two days)
  • Eid Al-Adha (two days)
  • Al-Ashoura: in memory of the death of Hussein (the prophet’s grandson).
  • Mawlid An-Nabi (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday)
Responsible Travel
-Sight-seeing tours are operated and led by a local guide and/or local drivers.
- Take a local experience activity such as hiking, trekking, fruit and vegetable picking and preparing local dishes. Staying at local guesthouse or accommodations can support local community as well.
- When going to beaches, make sure to dispose your garbage properly. If doing diving activities, avoid touching coral reefs.
- Buying handmade artifacts from the local producers like blown glass, ceramic and pottery, woodwork and basketry, jewelries, perfumed soaps and embroideries.
Syria is a country located in the Middle East, sharing borders with Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, Israel to the southwest, and Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. The capital city of Syria is Damascus, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Other major cities include Aleppo, Homs, Hama, and Latakia.
Syria's terrain is diverse, ranging from coastal plains along the Mediterranean to mountain ranges, deserts, and fertile river valleys. The Syrian Desert covers a significant portion of the country's eastern region. The Euphrates and Tigris rivers flow through northeastern Syria, providing important water resources for agriculture and communities. The Orontes River flows westward through central Syria. Syria has a coastline along the Mediterranean Sea, which extends for about 193 kilometers (120 miles). The coastal region is relatively fertile and populated.
Syria has a rich history, with numerous historical and archaeological sites. Palmyra, an ancient desert city, and the Crac des Chevaliers, a medieval castle, are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Before the conflict, Syria had a population of around 18 to 20 million people. However, due to the displacement of millions of Syrians as a result of the civil war, the population has been significantly affected.
Best Time to Visit 
Syria has been facing a protracted civil conflict and ongoing security concerns that have severely impacted its tourism industry and overall safety. It's important to prioritize safety and follow travel advisories from your country's government or relevant international organizations before considering a visit to Syria. However, below are some general information about the best time to visit Syria based on its climate:
  • Spring is considered one of the best times to visit Syria, especially if you're looking for mild temperatures and pleasant weather. During this period, the weather is usually comfortable, and the landscapes are lush and green. It's a good time for sightseeing and exploring historical sites.
  • Similar to spring, fall is another suitable time to visit. The weather tends to be cooler than the peak of summer, making it more enjoyable for outdoor activities and sightseeing. It's also a time when cultural events and festivals might take place.
Dress Code 
If you were to visit Syria under more stable conditions, it's generally respectful to dress modestly, especially in more conservative or rural areas. This includes avoiding clothing that is overly revealing, tight-fitting, or transparent. Women might wear loose-fitting, knee-length or longer dresses or skirts, and tops with sleeves. While headscarves were not mandatory for non-Muslim women, they were sometimes worn out of respect in more traditional areas. Men typically wear long trousers and shirts. T-shirts and casual attire were commonly acceptable in urban areas. When visiting mosques, churches, or other religious sites, both men and women should ensure that their clothing covers their arms and legs. Women might be required to cover their hair with a scarf.
The primary and official language of Syria is Arabic. Syrian Arabic, a dialect of Levantine Arabic, is spoken by the majority of the population and is used in daily communication, media, and official documents. Moreover, it's worth noting that there are also various other languages spoken by different ethnic and religious groups within the country: Kurdish is spoken by the Kurdish minority in northern Syria, particularly in regions along the border with Turkey. Syrian Armenians speak Armenian, particularly in areas with significant Armenian populations, such as Aleppo and the capital city, Damascus. Aramaic is spoken by some Assyrian and Syriac communities in northeastern Syria. English and French are often taught in schools as second languages, and some educated Syrians may be proficient in these languages, especially in urban areas.
We offer tours only to areas which are considered to be safe. The situation is monitored and might change from time to time. Please familiarize with the travel advisory of your country before making a decision to travel to Syria; still most western governments advise against all travel to Syria.
Travellers will find adequate medical care in Damascus and some coastal areas, though not necessarily in remote regions. Anyone visiting Syria should get travel insurance, as serious illnesses and emergencies may require evacuation to a neighboring country or Western medical facility.
Passport & Visa 
Visitors should be aware that if their passport (or airline ticket) contains an Israeli stamp, or any evidence of an intended visit to Israel, entry to Syria will be refused. Visas are not required for any traveler whose passport states that he or she was born in: Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, or Yemen. All travelers must hold return or onward tickets, all documents required for the next destination and sufficient funds to cover their stay. It is highly recommended that travelers’ passports have at least six months' validity remaining after the intended date of departure from their travel destination. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.
The official currency is the Syrian Pound (SYP), which is divided into 100 piastres. Travelers can change money at official exchange offices, hotels and at different shops; GBP and USD are the best foreign currencies to visit with. International sanctions have blocked ATMs and credit cards, so traveler will have to bring enough cash for the duration of their stay.
Visitors ordinarily tip waiters, bartenders, hotel staff and taxi drivers in Damascus. Waiters generally receive a tip of between 10 and 20%, depending on the quality of the service. Taxi drivers expect a tip of between 10 and 20%; hotel staffs usually receive between 2 and 5 USD.
Syria's climate is largely affected by the desert, with hot, sunny summers (June to August) and cold winters (December to February). Winters are milder along the coast, but wet, and humidity is higher in summer. Snowfall is common in winter on the mountains. Summer temperatures can reach in excess of 95°F (35°C) during the day, but evenings are generally cool. Spring and autumn are the best times to travel, with milder temperatures averaging 72°F (22°C) during the day.
Internet Access 
Due to the conflict, internet infrastructure in Syria has been heavily affected, leading to slow and intermittent connectivity in many areas. Some hotels, cafes, and public places in larger cities might offer Wi-Fi access for tourists. However, the quality of the connection may vary.
If you plan to stay in Syria for an extended period, consider getting a local SIM card. This might give you better access to mobile data, and it could also be useful in emergency situations.
Always be respectful of local customs and people's privacy when taking photographs. Always ask for permission if you plan to take photos of individuals, especially in more conservative areas. Avoid taking photos of military or security-related sites, checkpoints, and government buildings. These areas have historically been sensitive, and photography could lead to misunderstandings or unwanted attention.
The standard voltage in Syria is 220-240 volts at a frequency of 50 hertz. This is the typical electrical system used in many countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The most common plug types in Syria are the Type C and Type F plugs. These are the two-pin plugs commonly used in Europe. However, plug types may vary, and it's a good idea to carry a universal travel adapter that can accommodate different plug configurations.
Local customs 
Syria is predominantly a Muslim country and visitors should respect religious sensitivity, especially when it comes to dress and public conduct. Women, in particular, should wear loose fitting clothes that cover most of the body, though headscarves are unnecessary unless entering mosques. Eating, drinking and smoking in public during the holy month of Ramadan should be avoided, as it is forbidden by the Muslim culture. Homosexuality is illegal; the death penalty is enforced for drug trafficking.
Duty free
Travellers are allowed to import 200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 250g tobacco, 1 pint of spirits, perfume for personal use, and gifts to the value of SYP 250 without paying customs duty. Firearms are prohibited. There is no limit on the amount of tobacco or spirits for export.
The international dialling code for Syria is +963. There is good mobile phone coverage in Damascus; internet access is limited, but is available in the capital.
Responsible Travel 
-Before traveling, research the current situation in Syria, including safety concerns, travel advisories, and local customs. Keep yourself updated on any changes that might affect your trip.
-Choose local businesses for accommodations, dining, and shopping to contribute positively to the local economy. This helps support communities and ensures a more authentic experience.
-Dispose of waste properly and minimize your impact on the environment. Avoid single-use plastics and be mindful of your ecological footprint.
-Interact with locals in a respectful and friendly manner. Learn a few basic phrases in Arabic to show your effort and interest in the local culture.
-Check with your country's government for travel advisories and recommendations. Follow their guidance to make informed decisions about your trip.
-If certain areas are designated as off-limits due to safety or preservation concerns, respect these restrictions.